It’s not a secret anymore that additional education is a big and profitable business in the modern world. There are over 75 million students in the United States alone, who attend the K to 12 Basic Educational Grades, add to this figure the college and university students as well as adults, looking for further professional education or career broadening programs and you’ll get the overwhelming amount of those, who are eager to study. Nowadays, the capital of the educational industry exceeds 20 billion dollars. Thus, an educational blog similar to can at present become not only a valuable resource for those, who need it but a source of profit for its owner. Do you want to start one? Let’s speak about it in more detail.
Educational blog – what is it?
The field of studies is extremely variable, that’s why it’s a breeding ground for multiple blogs in various niches. Here you will always have what to write about and new topics to cover. So, an educational blog can be almost anything – educational plans and programs, current news from the sphere of education, study plans, which can be used by teachers or parents for homeschooling, online courses or tutoring.
The usual types of educational blogs are the following:
- lesson plans.
- blogs in which the teachers keep their audience updated.
- adult training blogs.
- blogs, which provide advice on gaining success in higher education.
- blogs on computer-aided education and programs for the purpose.
- You will find much more information through a simple web search so look through the resources, most appealing to you.
Target audience
The main task of any educational blog owner is to narrow his focus enough to get a really strong target demographic. Your primary readers may be either the people, who want education for their children or themselves, need information on it or look for some practical help.
Driving traffic
To get visitors to your site, you should advertise it in various ways. Some of them are as follows.
- Inform your local parenting community that you have a blog and specify what it’s about.
- Participate in forums. Get involved in the forums, related to your blog specifics and bring value to the discussion, then you’ll be able to mention your own resource, where it’s appropriate.
- Find some other sites with a similar target audience and offer a guest post or post exchange to the bloggers in the educational community.
- Become active on social media, create dedicated pages and put links to your blog posts and other useful articles related to your theme.
- Advertise, take the most widely used keywords in your niche and make them your basis.
- Reach out and involve the influencers in your sphere, try to get a review from some of them or some shout out in social media.
To help people in educational issues is good, but to get profit from it is even better, so it’s essential to think of your blog monetization. It can be not a simple task initially, but there is a number of strategies.
Ads. It’s the most obvious and simple way to monetize your site. Turn to Google Ads to create automatically placed advertising to your blog. However, you should keep in mind that advertising requires that live traffic exists on your site already.
Banner Ads on your site. It may become a perfect way out for you as a blog owner. Just approach certain businesses and offer them the banner place on your site. The advantage of this option is your opportunity to control the ad content, which is demonstrated on your educational resource. The need to have a lot of traffic may be mentioned as a drawback. Any businessman wants to be sure he will get the return on the investment.
Donations. In case you do not like the idea of placing ads on your site, you may create a donation button. It will allow anybody, who has found your content useful, donate you a few dollars. However, the practice shows that this works not good enough and sometimes the sum donated cannot even cover your hosting costs.
Sponsorship may be requested from certain companies or businesses related to education, but most likely the owners will require some kind of advertising in return.
Fundraisers. If your site is really interesting, has valuable content and adds value to the community, try to get a grant or raise some money through fundraising.
Affiliate Sales. At present, there are plenty of sites offering affiliate programs to the partners. Thus you can make reviews of the products your audience really needs and provide affiliate links to the partner site. The most well-known resources with affiliate programs are Google Affiliate Network, Amazon, Commission Junction, Click Bank, LinkShare.
Selling services or products. The most obvious option of monetizing of the blog of such kind is creating your own product and selling it. You may create a study guide, some kind of a checklist, lesson planning pages, but everything you work on should be grabbing attention and useful for your target audience. Study the interests of your readers with that in mind. You can even make a survey and ask your audience directly what they would like to get. Now there are plenty of programs allowing to sell and deliver electronic content, so just start and do not be afraid of technical difficulties.
Narrowing or Widening Focus. When you just start a blog you have a temptation to cover every topic, which occurs to you, but you should be careful here. In case you widen too much, you will have difficulties with marketing your content to the right audience. A wide niche can work, but you should be sure you will be able to catch up with it. A specialized niche can vice versa exhaust you, so that you’ll run out of the topics too soon. Try to find the golden mean and keep it.
Make your blog first-rate
There are plenty of educational resources on the web and you should provide really good content to stand out of the crowd. However, it’s not enough. You should combine a perfect knowledge of your target audience with creativity and determination to provide it with only the topnotch up-to-date information and useful additional materials. Remember that becoming a part of the educational community you influence the people’s mind and contribute to the development of modern society, accept this responsibility and become a real expert in the niche you’ve chosen. Share your knowledge and benefit from it!