You may encounter traffic on your way to and from work every day, and let’s be honest, that’s the worst kind of traffic… But when it comes to building a website… traffic is the very thing you want and need. Why? Because traffic is the blood that keeps your website alive.
If you’re an online store owner, then, of course, you want conversions, but the key point is that if you can’t get people to even lay eyes on your page, conversions are the least of your concerns… you’ve got much bigger fish to fry!

Whether you’re new to the world of web building or not, you probably know that there are tons of ways to drive traffic to your website. Lots of people will pay for traffic… That’s a very effective way to drive traffic to your site, but that’s like taking the easy way out, don’t you think? And as mentioned before, there’s nothing wrong with that but organic traffic is the “good stuff,” so to say…
With organic traffic, your traffic is 10 times more likely to convert than with paid traffic… that’s why you should never underestimate the power of organic traffic. The thing to understand is that when people find your product or service through Google, they’re more than likely going to buy it because they know that if Google’s given it the green light, then that product or service must be pretty good, and Google isn’t too easy to impress…
But, regardless of whether you choose to focus on organic strategies or paid strategies, or both, knowing how to get the traffic to your site is only half the battle… Where the real “elbow grease” comes in is doing the actual work to drive the traffic to your site… This is when you roll your sleeves up and get to work.
Take a look at some simple yet highly effective ways to build a high traffic website.
Tips For Building a High Traffic Website
Guest Blogging
Guest blogging is a great way to drive traffic to your website… think of it as “if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours,” in a sense. With guest blogging, this is one of the best ways to increase your likelihood of getting mentioned on blogs and gaining exposure from a new audience outside your own target audience.
The biggest thing to make sure of is that the site you’re guest blogging on is related to the same industry you’re in and has a sizable reach. One thing to keep in mind with guest blogging is that you’re probably going to want to shoot for the really popular blogs, which is fine, but just know that you might have a hard time getting a “yes” from them. But don’t give up… keep pitching to sites and see what they say… all it takes is one “yes” to keep the momentum going!
Answer Questions on Quora
How many times have you asked a question on Google and at least seen one answer to your question from Quora? Almost all the time! Quora has a huge following and it’s a great way for you to drive traffic to your site without paying a single penny.
You’ll want to go to Quora’s site, search for questions related to your niche, and start answering people’s questions. Make sure to leave a link to your website with every question you answer.
Update Old Content
Think of updating old content like putting a fresh coat of paint on the walls. If you have old content on your site, it’s not going to be of any use to your visitors. This isn’t something that’s hard to do either. Sometimes all it takes is just a few revisions to bring it back current.
This will not only make the content look brand new but it will also throw up relevancy flags to Google and organically increase your traffic over time. You want to always make sure your content is current and up to date
Instagram is a great way to drive traffic to your site. It allows your followers to put a face behind the brand and it builds trust with your followers… when they trust your brand, they’re more than likely to visit your site. The thing to keep in mind if you’re going to have followers be redirected to your site is that you need to make sure your site looks trustworthy as well.
According to, people look at basic spelling and grammar, the advertisements you have, and the quality of your content to check trustworthiness… if any of those things look “off,” they’ll leave your site in an instant, thinking your site is spammy.
So if you use Instagram, be sure to engage with your followers, respond to their comments, and share useful as well as entertaining content to drive them to your site… just make sure your site is up to par. It even helps to post powerful testimonials on your website to build trust.
Optimize Your Site For Mobile Devices
We live in a world where everybody is always on the go but if you pay attention, people will always have their phone in hand, while they’re on the go. That reason alone is why you need to make sure your site is optimized for mobile devices.
When was the last time you hopped on a desktop outside of work? And even with work, more and more businesses are trading in their desktops for laptops so that employees can take their work on the go as well. This particular method has become extremely popular with the COVID-19 pandemic where jobs are sending employees home with company laptops to work from.
But the most popular mobile device is cell phones and tablets. If you can make your website accessible on those mobile devices, there’s no missed opportunity for driving traffic to your site.
As you can see, traffic is the lifeline to any website, but in order to gain the traffic you want, it’s not just going to fall from the sky… you have to put in some work to get it done. SEO is one of the top-rated methods of building a high traffic website but it’s not the simplest way to do it… SEO takes time.
But for the sake of simplicity, these five tips are five of the simplest ways to drive high traffic to your site… You’ll have the desired results without having to do too much work!