If you want to do any business in the present scenario, it is pertinent to go for online marketing of your products and services. The first thing that you need to do for promoting your business online is to design the website of your company and post it in the web. These two jobs namely the web developing and the web hosting, though very often seems to be the job of the same agency, but actually has completely different job profiles. The web developing is a job requiring high amount skill of artistic proportion which includes a profound and updated knowledge of the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bingo. There are many other search engines having localized influence the knowledge of which may also be required in case of developing web where such search engines are the major players.
There are many platforms for web designing such as Drupal, Jhumla, WordPress etc. Comprehensive packages are offered by Drupal which includes blogs as well as forums forming the core modules. Both CSS and PHP modifications can be used for accomplishing the platforms. But while one tries to learn and install these platforms it is found to be very complex and poses a daunting task for the user.
In contrast to this, the WordPress is much simpler and easy to learn and theme. The tutorials such as chicago wordpress training offer a comprehensive tutoring for the installation of the WordPress. The five simple steps for installing WordPress are discussed below.
- The step 1 involves the download of the WordPress from the internet. Once the download is complete file it in a suitable file and name it wordpress in your computer. Create a directory where you will save all the images as well as files which will be used for the installation of the wordpress and also for its customization.
- After you save the file open it by using zip/unzip program. For installing live from the web site you have to use FTP In order to upload the zip file. The free FTP client provided by the firefox can be used which is an excellent one for uploading the files.
- Create the database which the wordpress will need for restoring the content f the site along with other information.
- Use wpconfig.php in order to allow access to the wordpress. The file has to be modified with the access information of the database. For getting tutorials for installation may refer chicago wordpress training.
- The final step is to run the installer.
If the above steps seem to be complicated and inapprehensible it is prudent to have some training on the wordpress in some reputed tutorials. There are provisions for the tutorials to get your personnel trained at your premises also where expert trainers come to teach all the relevant things regarding wordpress. Generally a group of three persons are trained at one go. If you want to train more than three persons they will charge some extra for it. There are quite a good number of tutorials among which you have to select the best.