If you are looking to build an attractive website and have no deep knowledge in coding part? Worried about it?! No issues. It’s absolutely fine. So, here in this post I have compiled a list of top 10 free wordpress widgets based on css3. While compiling this list, it’s always a possibility that I missed some other great resources. Feel free to share it with us.
If you like our art collection, so check out these other posts will interest you too: Premium Carousel Themes for WordPress, Free Buddypress Plugins for WordPress, MP3 Player WordPress Widgets and Free WordPress eCommerce Themes.
1. Sexy Contact Form
The Sexiest way to get contacted! You will be surprised by count of all the possible features!

2. Animate Slider
This is a simple slideshow plugin that boost your theme with a beautiful css3 animated slideshow powered with bxslider.

3. CPO Shortcodes
CPO Shortcodes is a WordPress plugin that provides you with an incredible number of shortcodes. You can use over 30+ different elements to create just about any layout you want to.

4. Social Gallery Lite
Social Gallery is the Ultimate Social Lightbox Plugin for WordPress.

5. Responsive Column Widgets
Creates a custom responsive column widget box. The main feature of this plugin. It displays widgets horizontally with a grid system.

6. WEN’s Responsive Column Layout Shortcodes
This Plugin easily adds responsive ( BootStrap ) columns layout into posts and pages by wrapping content with a shortcode. Use the Plugin’s button on the editor to add columns or simply copy and paste the beneath codes.

7. GB Gallery Slideshow
GB WordPress Gallery Slideshow is Ajax and jquery based plugin. Easy to use slider, which enables you to create customized special effect slideshows.

8. Sexy Polling
Sexy Polling – Find out what your audience thinks! You will be surprised by count of all the possible features!

9. Standout CSS3 Buttons
Display CSS3 style buttons with gradient color styles on your website using shortcodes or PHP function call.

10. Super Zoom Gallery
Gallery plugin with thumbnail and zoom capabilities, great for showing details of photos. Easy to use. Great for webshops!