What could be a better way for an author to promote their books than a blog? After all a blog is content and an author publishes and sells content. So therefore, I’m going to share with you best free WordPress writers and authors themes with you. If you want to promote your articles and books then free download your favourite theme and install it.
You may want to take a look at the following related articles:
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1. The Erudite
A theme for writers who want readers, not visitors, traffic, click-throughs, CPMs or what-have-you.

2. Melville Free WordPress Writer’s Theme
The Melville Free WordPress Writer’s Theme made by Raygun is a literary theme; clean, beautiful, no distractions or widgets to drive readers’ eyes away.

3. FlexxTheme
FlexxTheme was created for people who want more versatility out of their blogs and websites. Flexx is the ultimate WordPress theme that gives you the greatest potential for one sweet price!

4. Themia Lite
Themia Lite for WordPress is one of the easiest themes to build your Web Presence in 10 Minutes.

5. Inanis Glass
Fixed w/right sidebar, widget & multi-language ready, 7 reader selectable themes saved by cookie, and default sub-theme is admin selectable.

6. Desk Mess Mirrored
Another Basic, writer themed theme. You’d think Personal blogs from aspiring writers were all over the internet, wouldn’t you?

7. Magnolia
This theme was created for the purposes of a WordCamp Louisville presentation. It’s fully functional and can be used for your blog but is probably better as a starting point or learning exercise.

8. Notes Blog Core Theme
The Notes Blog Core theme is meant to work both as a framework to build child themes on, as well as a stand alone clean theme for your perusal.

9. Clear Line
Clear Line is the clear and very lightweight theme. It’s also highly customizable. Fixed or flexible width, 8 sidebar layouts, columnar posts displaying, 14 widget areas etc…

10. Deep Silent
This is 2 column WordPress theme created by MIF Design. In archive you will find more main images.

WordPress themes are great because they aren’t terribly difficult to customize for web design. However, if you’re an author, you likely don’t wish to take the time to learn WordPress customization.