When you spend a lot of time writing a blog post or creating a landing page, you want people to be able to share it. The easier it is for site visitors to share your content the higher the chances are that they’ll end up doing so.
So here are 15 best and useful social sharing plugins for your WordPress blog. Totally plugins are free and all have sharing options for multiple platforms. I suggest you do not install all of them just choose one which you like the most or think is the best.
1. Share and Follow
Designed for average users to use, ideal for developers who want to save time, this plugin gives links to the most prominent Social Networking sites for sharing and following, presented in many different formats.
2. Socialize
Socialize is an easy way to selectively add actionable social bookmarks to your posts.
3. Simple Facebook Connect
Simple Facebook Connect is a framework and series of sub-systems that let you add any sort of Facebook functionality you like to a WordPress blog.
4. Genesis Social Profiles Menu
This small and leightweight plugin is intended for the use with the popular Genesis Framework. It adds a special stylesheet for social profile icons for the WordPress custom menu system.
5. Social Metrics
Social Metrics is a Social Media Analytics tool you can use to track your WordPress blog performance on popular social networking websites and services.
6. ViperProof
ViperProof allows you to show various aspects of social proof on your website, which will help you to get more blog subscribers.
7. Social Media Tabs
Social media tabs allows you to add facebook, google +1, buzz, twitter, YouTube subscription and RSS profiles and feeds to any widget area with stylis.
8. Simple Social Sharing
A simple single post footer to include sharing links for your visitors.
9. Hallo Destra
Simple code entered in the theme you are using, will feature some beautiful icon of social media for publicizing your website / blog. Carousel builds an animated images. Add shortcode to display animated images on a post / page.
10. Simple Twitter Plugin
Simple Twitter Plugin allow to display your tweets as a widget in your sidebar. You can customize colors and size of widget.
11. Get Social
GetSocial adds a lightweight and intelligent floating social media sharing box on your blog posts.
12. Tell A Friend
Adds a tell a friend, Share/Bookmark/Email/Social Bookmarking button in a widget position. The service which is used is freetellafriend.com which supports e-mail address book, social bookmarks and favorites.
13. ShareThis
The ShareThis plugin seamlessly enables users to share your content through Email,Facebook,Twitter, Google +1, Like, Send and many more.
14. Twitter Follow Button
With this plugin, you can embed Twitter Follow Button to let your visitor follow you instantly by just clicking on the button. Add the Follow Button to your website to increase engagement and create a lasting connection with your audience.
15. Simple Social Bookmarks
Simple Social Bookmarks is an easy but powerful way to implement Social Bookmarking on your WordPress blog. It has links to over 200 Social Bookmarking networks – more than any other plugin – and is fully XHTML standards compliant.
There are a ridiculous amount of different WordPress plugins for making your site easier to share via social networking site. Which of the plugins above have you used? Or do you use a different option all together? Let us know in the comments!
Thanks for this great article, i think i’m gonna try Get Social!