Installing WordPress in the website you wanted to be recognized by the people would be one of the best things that you should do to be able to achieve what you are aiming for. Do you own a WordPress membership site or plan to start one soon? They’re a great way to monetize websites that share exclusive content, tutorials, discounts and more to members. Whether you want to create a custom registration page or want to offer quick registration, there are some useful plugins to help you out.
It is quite difficult to undergo the process since to increase your website visibility would be taking a long process; hence you need to consider setting up a registration process. Here are some of the best free WordPress user registration form plugins you should try getting engage with. You may want to take a look at the following related articles: Remarkable Free Online Wireframe Tools, Free Gravity Forms Widgets for WordPress, WordPress Content Marketing Plugins and Premium Marriage WordPress Themes 2015.
1. Custom Login Page Styler Theme My Login
Create your own custom login page with custom login page styler ,Easy to use no coding skills required for customization. Create beautiful custom login page style and make your login page unique. Customize your login page matching your theme,Your registration, log in, and password recovery pages will all match the rest of your website.
2. Scrollbar Designer
Easy-to-use solution to have a custom scrollbars compatible with desktop,laptop, tablet and phone devices. Simple installation and activation, it works with NO modification of your code. Very stylish scrollbars, with no occupation on your window (original browser scrollbars need some of page space and reduces window/div usable width).
3. Awesome Custom Scrollbar
Awesome Custom Scrollbar is a jQuery custom scrollbar for your wordpress website. This plugin will enable awesome custom scrollbar. You can change scrollbar color, border radius, scroll speed, width, hide delay & other settings. Simple installation and activation, it works with NO modification of your code. Animation frame support for smoth scrolling and cpu-saving. Dragging scroll mode with scrolling momentum (as touch device). Tested for all major browsers desktop and mobile versions.
4. ProfilePress – Custom Login
With knowledge of just HTML & CSS, code the form component in combination with our expressive shortcodes, make it pretty with CSS and ProfilePress will handle the rest. You don’t need to worry about server-side PHP validation, authentication and authorization. Simply code the forms in HTML with the help of the plugin form builder and ProfilePress will turn them into functional custom login, registration and password reset forms.
5. Front-End Only Users
This plugin allows visitors to sign up as users on the front-end on any page of your website. It is completely customization using CSS and is easily personalized with the use of shortcodes. These shortcodes can be used to insert registration, login, or profile editing forms on any page of your website and to restrict content. Users are created in separate tables so that they have no access to the back-end of your site.
6. Disable All Updates & Notifications
Automatic background updates were introduced in WordPress in an effort to promote better security, and to streamline the update experience overall. By default, only minor releases such as for maintenance and security purposes and translation file updates are enabled on most sites. In special cases, plugins and themes may be updated.
7. Quick User Manager
It lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify their user profile or register new users (front-end user registration). Users with administrator rights can customize basic user fields or add custom user fields to the front-end forms, email to the user(s) or users group.
8. Profile Builder – Front End User Registration
It lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify their user profile or register new users (front-end user registration). Users with administrator rights can customize basic user fields or add custom user fields to the front-end forms. Add a custom stylesheet/inherit values from the current theme or use the default one built into this plugin.
9. Ultimate Profile Builder By CMSHelpLive
Ultimate Profile Builder by CMSHelpLive lets you create and manage profiles on your WordPress site! You can define custom user roles like Authors, Actors, Tennis Players or anything you want. It will also allow visitors to register on the site, fill out custom fields specific to user roles and upload profile images. Their profiles can be edited by the users anytime by logging into the profile area of the site. You can display member profiles as list or box view.
10. Simplr Registration Form Plus
This plugin creates a user interface for adding custom registration forms to any post or page on your WordPress website. Simply navigate to the edit page for post or page on which you would like the form to appear and click the registration forms button. A popup menu will appear guiding you through the options. The plugin also creates an interface for adding/removing fields to be used in the registration form.
11. Simple User Registration
This plugin render wordpress signup form based on fields selected by Admin. Input fields can be placed in registration form using nice drag and drop meta page. This plugin is also a best combination when use with N-Media other form plugins.