WordPress translation plugins to help you translate your website content into multiple languages. WordPress multilingual plugins for website translation. These days, everyone building website for business purposes. WordPress website is more SEO and user friendly. I am going to share our research about best free WordPress multilingual plugins these plugins have a good rating and review as well.
If you have enough time to give them a test drive, by all means do so and judge for yourself which one works best for your needs. You are most welcome to suggest any additions to this list. You can use the comments box below to make any suggestions. You may be interested in the following posts: Free Banner Ads Widgets for WordPress, WordPress Premium Themes for Musicians and Free WordPress Social Commerce Plugins.
1. nLingual
nLingual is a simple and flexible multilingual system for WordPress. It operates on a one language per post basis, allowing you to keep different languages separate, and for the custom fields and other metadata to be translated easily as well. It also comes with a host of general utilities that expand on the built-in localization functions. What’s more, it gives you complete control over the languages the system uses, and allows for the synchronization of sister posts.

2. GSpeech – The Best Text To Speech Solution
GSpeech uses Google power and allows to listen any selected text on your site. It is the best text to speech solution for WordPress. It uses Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Speaking menus. Users can listen menus when they hover them! Listen to selected text. Speaker will apear, when You select a part of the text. Ability to set custom style and language for each TTS block.

3. Contact Form Generator
Contact Form Generator is a powerful contact form builder for WordPress! It is structured for creating Contact Forms, Application Forms, Reservation Forms, Survey Forms, Contact Data Pages and much more. Contact Form Generator is packed with a Template Creator Wizard to create fantastic forms in a matter of seconds without coding. You can use one of existing templates, or create your own!

4. WooCommerce Multilingual
This ‘glue’ plugin makes it possible to run fully multilingual e-commerce sites using WooCommerce and WPML. It makes products and store pages translatable, lets visitors switch languages and order products in their language. Central management for translating product categories, tags and custom attributes. Allows inventory tracking without breaking products into languages. Enables running a single WooCommerce store with multiple currencies.

5. Zanto WP Translation
Zanto WP Translation enables you to convert blogs in a multisite into translations of each other. It provides a language switcher to switch between the different translations of pages, posts, categories, custom types and custom taxonomies. The plugin keeps track of what has been translated and what has not and provides an intuitive interface that allows you to carry out translation.

6. Social Semantic Recommendation
Social Semantic Recommendation is a easy way to engage your readers and show them related content from your website. It displays a link list or thumbnails to related pages, posts and custom post types at the bottom of an entry. Improve your search engine listing and show readers what else is worth their reading time. Automated linking of related content at the bottom of each post/page.

7. Simple Yearly Archive
Simple Yearly Archive is a rather neat and simple WordPress plugin that allows you to display your archives in a year-based list. It works mostly like the usual WP archive, but displays all published posts seperated by their year of publication. That said, it’s also possible to restrict the output to certain categories, and much more.

8. Polylang
Polylang allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. You write posts, pages and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them. The translation of a post, whether it is in the default language or not, is optional. The translation has to be done by the site editor as Polylang does not integrate any automatic or professional translation service.

9. xili-language
xili-language provides for a bilingual (or multilingual) website an automatic selection of language (.mo) in theme according to the language of current post(s) or page. Theme’s behavior can be fully personalized through settings, hooks and api. xili-language uses a custom taxonomy to specify language of post, page and custom post. To help authoring, current user can choose language of his dashboard.

10. qTranslate X
This plugin is a descendant of qTranslate, which has apparently been abandoned by the original author. While the back-end database framework is left almost intact, the design of editors is drastically changed and improved to be much less vulnerable to WP updates. Instead of seeing multiple lines per each language for title, qTranslate-X provides language switching buttons, which, once pressed, make all the text fields to be filled with the language chosen.