Did you realize that a cyber-attack occurs every 39 seconds in this country? Nearly 43 percent of these attacks target small businesses.
If your business specializes in building and launching web-based apps, then security should be one of your main priorities. Launching an app that is not secure can come back to haunt you should a data hack take place. Some app builders abide by the “it will never happen to me” rule, but this is a big mistake.
It is your responsibility as an app developer to ensure the people who use your program are protected. If an app gets a reputation for being unsafe, then it is only a matter of time before you have to take it offline.
The following are just some of the things you need to consider when trying to increase the security of your web app.
Getting Real-Time Alerts
When trying to properly monitor a web-based app, you will need to find a program that can offer you real-time alerts. By getting these types of alerts, you can find out about and address problems with ease.
For years, companies have use PagerDuty’s cloud-based monitoring platform to keep their applications running well. Implementing the use of Pagerduty with Papertrail will provide you with logs of the problems your app is facing. With the help of these logs, you can track the source of your problem and fix it in a hurry.
Avoid Allowing User Inputs on Your App
The web-based versions of Yelp and Salesforce allow users to input text, images and even upload content. While this may seem like a great way to keep your audience engaged, it can lead to lots of problems in the long run.
Allowing user inputs will come back to haunt you when hackers begin using this vulnerability to their advantage. A hacker can input links that users may click on. Usually, these links will put viruses on a person’s computer and steal the sensitive data they have. Rather than dealing with the headaches this can cause, you need to eliminate user input altogether.
Your Security Solutions Need to Match Your Coding Language of Choice
Whether you use PHP, Java or any other coding language to construct your web-based app, your security solutions will need to be compatible. Trying to use a security solution that is not compatible with your coding language of choice will leave your app vulnerable to attack.
Making sure the developers working your app know how to guard against things like SQL injections and cross-site scripting attacks is essential. By putting security first, you can put the right safeguards in your app from day one.
Test and Optimize
Some developers think that once they have built and launched their web-based app, they can sit back and reap the benefits. The reality is that these apps require a great deal of maintenance and care. Failing to constantly test and optimize the security features your app has can be disastrous.
Hackers are consistently developing new techniques they use to infiltrate apps and websites. If you do not stay one step ahead of these cyber-criminals, it is only a matter of time before you are hacked. This is why working with cyber-security professionals is a great idea. These professionals can monitor and address any security issues your app has with ease.
As an app developer, security should be one of your main priorities. With the right software and professional guidance, you can stop hackers in their tracks.