A lot of companies are missing out on huge profits.
Is yours one of them?
eCommerce sites are often seen as complicated platforms that take a long time (and a lot of money) to launch.
Let’s look at these and other misconceptions you may have had about moving your business over to an eCommerce one.
- It’s Complicated to Set Up
You may think that creating an eCommerce platform-and everything that goes with it-is a time consuming, complicated process.
While this used to be the case, technology has come a long way to provide us with easier options.
There are simple tools that allow you to easily find and register a domain name to get your site started. Many of them even will help you to come up with ideas relevant to your brand/industry.
Also, eCommerce building software has simplified the process of switching to eCommerce. These applications give you everything you need to get your site designed, hosted and functional.
Once you’re signed up for an application you like, you will receive a walkthrough on how to create the exact platform you’ve envisioned.
So is it complicated to set up an eCommerce site? No. It’s actually a lot of fun when you have the right application!
- eCommerce Sites are Expensive
When most of us think eCommerce, we think ‘LARGE’. A big site with big processes and big costs.
But when we compare the benefits of owning an eCommerce website with the cost of creating one, we soon see that these costs are negligible.
Your initial investment will consist of buying the software necessary for creating an eCommerce site. This is by far the biggest expense, and you’ll be surprised how affordable most of them are. You’ll also be able to test your application before you buy it, since most of them have a free version as well.
Additional costs may include:
- Taking photographs of products
- Having professional content written for your site
- The time it takes to design your platform
- Hosting costs
When we look at everything together, we see that launching an eCommerce site isn’t much more expensive than launching a regular site. You’ve just got to be smart about it.
- They are Difficult to Manage
There are many processes involved in an eCommerce platform. This leads many to think that managing and understanding how all these processes work together is a difficult task.
Well, it’s not.
These processes are automated, meaning most of the work is taken from you and handled by the site itself.
This is totally the point of eCommerce. It’s a system that runs all aspects of a sale in synchronicity. eCommerce actually saves you more time in management, so you can focus on other aspects of your business.
- They are Only for International Companies
If you’re running a local business, you probably haven’t even considered eCommerce as an online selling option.
But because of how easy they are to create and manage, eCommerce sites are becoming super popular.
Yes, local companies – even those that only sell to a small client base – have switched over to eCommerce. Why? Because clients prefer the convenience of buying items online.
The more convenient the process, the more people end up buying from you. It’s that simple.
- They are Only for Large Corporations
Still growing? Waiting until you meet a certain size before going global?
The truth is you can and should accelerate your growth by switching to eCommerce now.
Studies indicate that more sales are derived from eCommerce sites because of the simplicity of the process. There’s no frustrating processes with deliver, invoicing or product selection. It’s all done so quickly and easily that more clients prefer to buy that way.
So if you’re looking to surpass your competitors in the market and grow your company fast, eCommerce is the way to go.
- eCommerce Sites Don’t Need Content
The internet has quickly become content focused. But those who start eCommerce websites often neglect to recognize the need for high quality content.
There are three main types of content each eCommerce website should include:
- An active blog that gets added to on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
- A detailed product description for each product on the site.
- An FAQ section to help users navigate their way through your buying process.
Content also helps your site to rank on Google. So don’t neglect this important part of owning an eCommerce platform.
- They are Difficult to Market
What about the marketing for eCommerce. Have you already learned how to do traditional online marketing and can’t bear the thought of starting all over again?
It’s not as difficult as you think. The gist of marketing your eCommerce site is making it compatible with social media.
Here are a few ways you can do this:
- Add social media buttons to your site and enable users to share images, product profiles and specials you’re hosting.
- Share your blogs on social media. Make sure you have a catchy title, a great image and a valuable piece of information your readers cannot resist.
- Become active on social media as a brand. Make comments on similar posts, refer people to your blogs and discuss topics related to your niche.
- Use multiple social media channels to appeal to various audiences across the web.
- There is Too Much Competition
The fact there are so many eCommerce stores online is no reason not to switch to one yourself. In fact, it’s a good reason to do so as soon as possible.
If your competitors are using eCommerce platforms to sell their products, it’s likely that they’re selling more than you are.
Due to convenience, speed and easy navigation users are probably more likely to opt for eCommerce than the complicated process of phoning for a quote, choosing a product, making payment and awaiting delivery.
So if you’re looking for a way to boost your sales and overlap your competitors, consider eCommerce as a viable way to do that.
I hope you can see the benefits of switching to eCommerce. If it’s something you’ve been considering, do some research, find a great eCommerce builder and grow your business today!