Apps are one of the quickest ways to make money and something that everybody who has a smartphone uses. There are the different types of people who make apps, the developers and the marketing that the app has behind it. Without one the other does not become successful as a lot of the marketing and research is done before the app even launches in the cases of the veteran app developer. Apps can be games or they can be ways to organize yourself or even be proxy programs so you can view your favorite websites wherever you might be.
Launching Too Quickly
This is a problem whether you are talking about an app or even a website. Launching too early without working out all of the bugs in an app could be the beginning of the end. If an app suddenly closes or tends to freeze a phone then the odds of the app being used as much as possible decreases. Many developers and marketers generally are a little too eager to launch to meet some sort of deadline. A couple days past a deadline with a higher quality product is better than an on time average product. Launching also has something to do with garnering attention via your marketing effort. If an app launches and nobody knows about it, does it really launch? It might be available but it will never take off as hoped.
Too Complex
This is something that you should take from the creators of many of the successful apps. Snapchat is a multibillion dollar brand and their app is one of the most simple platforms that there is. People do not like being confused or having to guess how to use an app. Keeping everything as simple as possible is important to improve user experience as well as making updates rather easy to do. Overthinking the format for your app is something that can be remedied by having a small test group to take a look at your app. Often times developers make things too complex as they have a supreme knowledge of how the app was to act.
Not Marketing Enough
Not having people know that your company is coming out with an app is the same as not coming out with an app. If there is no awareness about when your app is coming out and what it will do then interest can’t be generated. Having a press release about your app is a good way to build awareness as well as market your company. Spreading these releases or articles about your apps on different websites in your industry might seem simple but it can generate quite the return when done effectively. Integrating your launch with the buzz that you generate could get a head start on the competition as well.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to make mistakes when it comes to developing and launching apps. Going with what experienced developers and marketing people are doing is a great guide to continue in your success.