If your blog runs on WordPress, you can easily turn it into a responsive website using WordPress responsive plugins. To help you limit your search. So, here I’ve put together a list of some of the best responsive plugins for WordPress, including sliders, images, videos, layouts and more. Make sure to bookmark your favorites. To keep you safe, try experimenting with this WordPress responsive plugins on your local or dev environment.
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1. Gallery to Slideshow
This plugin for WordPress converts the built in gallery into a simple and responsive slideshow.

2. Responsive Video Embeds
This plugin will automatically resize your WordPress auto-embeds, including video and other iframes, in a responsive fashion.

3. Soliloquy Lite Responsive Image Slider
Soliloquy is audited by Mark Jaquith, lead developer of WordPress, for security and features the easiest to use and most performance optimized code for an image slider plugin.

4. Artiss YouTube Embed
Artiss YouTube Embed (formally YouTube Embed) is an incredibly simple, yet powerful, method of embedding YouTube videos into your WordPress site.

5. Genesis Responsive Slider
This plugin allows you to create a simple responsive slider that displays the featured image, along with the title and excerpt from each post.

6. Camera Slideshow
A jQuery slideshow with a responsive layout, easy to use with an extended admin panel.

7. Photospace Gallery
Photospace takes advantage of the built in gallery features of WordPress, the plugin automatically adds any images attached to the post or page into the gallery.

8. Juiz Smart Mobile Admin
Used with the default administration theme, this plugin offers you a smartphone support for your dashboard.

9. Advanced Responsive Video Embedder
Embed videos with simple short codes from many providers with full responsive sizes. Show videos as thumbnails and let them open in color box.

10. Responsive Select Menu
The Responsive Select Menu plugin automatically turns any WordPress 3 Menu into a select box / dropdown on mobile devices.

11. Meteor Slides
Meteor Slides makes it simple to create slideshows and publish them with a shortcode, widget, or template tag.

12. Theme Blvd Responsive Google Maps
After activating the plugin you can use the shortcode [tb_google_map] to display a Google Map.

13. Generate Box
This plugin is a very handy tool for Generate Child Theme users, it allows you to display the Generate Box on front page, home page, single posts, and everywhere.

14. WP Orbit Slider
WP Orbit Slider is based around the jQuery Orbit Slider from the excellent team Zurb. It uses a custom post type for each slide and taxonomies to create slider groups.

15. Wpshop – Simple eCommerce
Wpshop une extension e-commerce 100% libre, gratuite et developpee en France. Inclus un theme adapte pour les mobiles.

While compiling this list, it’s always a possibility that I missed some other great resources. Feel free to share it with us.