An iFrame is an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document on a website. The IFrame HTML element is often used to insert content from another source, such as an advertisement, into a Web page. Here, in this post I have compiled a list of some useful free wordpress iFrame plugins for wordpress blogs.
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1. IFrame Shortcode
Allows the insertion of code to display an external webpage within an iframe. A WYSIWYG button is included to make adding the code easy.
2. Dialective Embedder
Allows any user to easily insert an awesome Dialective visual story in WordPress using a simple shortcode.
3. YouTube Channel
Sidebar widget to show latest video thumbnail, playable flash object or chromeless video from YouTube Channel or Playlist.
4. Advanced Responsive Video Embedder
Embed videos with a click of a button from many providers with full responsive sizes. Show videos as thumbnails and let them open in colorbox.
5. Advanced iFrame
Include content the way YOU like in an iframe that can hide and modify elements and foreward parameters. You can also embed content directly.
6. Facebook Tab Manager
Makes WordPress function as an editor for tabs you can embed in a Facebook page for your business, campaign, or organization.
7. Responsive Video Embeds
This plugin will automatically resize your WordPress auto-embeds, including video and other iframes, in a responsive fashion.
8. Easy FancyBox
Easily enable the FancyBox jQuery extension on just about all media links. Multi-Site compatible. Supports iFrame and Flash movies.
9. iFrame Images Gallery
iframe images gallery is a simple wordpress plugin to create horizontal image slideshow. Horizontal bar will be display below the images to scroll.
10. inScore – Free Sport Live Scores
WP inScore plugin allows you to integrate free sport live scores provided by into your wordpress website.
11. FlexIDX Home Search
FlexIDX Home Search plugin provides an easy solution to embed home search form into your sidebars, and page/post content.
12. Facebook Fan Box Cache
This plugin was written to take care of a serious issue. We were getting horrible load times on any page that contained the Facebook Fan Box iframe code.
13. Auto ThickBox Plus
Automatically applies ThickBox script that overlays linked image, inline, iFramed and AJAX content on the page in simple effect.