WordPress is a fantastic blogging and content management system but there are ways to make it even better by using the right plugins. Video Plugins make it easy when wanting to show videos on your WordPress blog. There are hundreds of video plugins for WordPress that give WordPress all sorts of video type functionality, but finding the best one that actually worked was a great difficulty!
Here, I have compiled a list of amazing video plugins for wordpress. These plugins are all user friendly and support YouTube, Vimeo, Flash and many more. Hope you will like them. You may be interested in the following posts: YouTube Plugins, Slideshow Plugins and Selftest Training.
1. Advanced YouTube Embed Plugin
Advanced YouTube Embed is a plugin that enhances the videos you embed in your WordPress blog.

2. Video List Manager
Add, edit, delete and manage YOUTUBE, VIMEO videos, separated by categories and display them by category.

3. Youtube Channel Gallery
Show a youtube video and a gallery of thumbnails for a youtube user channel.

4. Aviberry WordPress Video Conversion Plugin
The Aviberry WordPress Video Plugin software enables you to connect your WordPress panel with your Aviberry Cloud Conversion account to convert videos for publishing on your blog.

5. mb.YTPlayer for Background Videos
Play any Youtube video as background of your page or as custom player inside an element of the page.

6. Artiss YouTube Embed
Artiss YouTube Embed (formally YouTube Embed) is an incredibly simple, yet powerful, method of embedding YouTube videos into your WordPress site.

7. Vimeography
Vimeography is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create beautiful, custom video galleries in 30 seconds, tops!

8. Spider Video Player
Spider Video Player is a WordPress video plugin that allows you to easily add videos to your website.

9. GRAND FlAGallery
Try GRAND Flash Album Gallery – powerfull flash & jQuery media content plugin.

10. Viper’s Video Quicktags
Tired of copying and pasting the embed HTML from sites like YouTube? Then this plugin is for you.

11. Flickr Shortcode Importer
Imports [flickr], [flickrset], [flickr-gallery] shortcode and Flickr-sourced A/IMG tagged media into the Media Library.

12. SlideDeck 2 Lite
SlideDeck 2 for WordPress is a responsive slider plugin that lets you easily create content sliders out of almost any content.

13. EasyVideoPlayer 2.0
Easily embed Easy Video Player videos and audio into WordPress posts, even with the visual editor!

14. Post video Players
Post your videos, photo galleries/flash slideshows, music and playlists easily and in seconds.

15. Sliding Youtube Gallery
Sliding YouTube Gallery is a nice plugin, that gives you a fast way, to add multiple and fully customizable ajax video galleries, directly in your blog!

16. Hana Flv Player
Easily embed videos(Flash & HTML5) in your WordPress featuring Flowplayer(version 2, 3, and 5).

17. Youtube Profile Field
Adds an additional field to the user profile page and allows you to show your videos on your website.

18. VideoWhisper Video Conference Integration
VideoWhisper Video Conference is a modern web based multiple way video chat and real time file sharing tool.

19. YouTube Favorite Video Posts
YouTube Favorite Video Posts works in the background to grab videos you mark as favorites in YouTube.

Get the most exciting FLV player in the internet, designed and modified to suit your WordPress websites.

Create easily a nice gallery of videos for your site with youtube and/or flv videos.

22. ZooEffect Plugin for Video Player
Photo Gallery with slideshow function, video players, music and podcast, many templates (players).

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