When talking about WordPress, staying up to date with the latest things is a must. This rule applies when talking about WordPress plugins too, considering the large number of new plugins that are launched on a weekly basis. Here are some cool free WordPress external links plugins that helps to add nofollow to external links in your blog or website.
If you are highly concerned about SEO then it is important to keep an eye on links. If no care is taken then the link juice will be equally shared with all the external links in your blog. I hope you will like these free plugins. You may be interested in the following posts: Free WordPress Translation Ready Themes, Free Google Map Widgets for WordPress and Free WordPress Related Content Plugins.
1. WP Links
WP Links is a SEO friendly, WordPress external link handler. The current aim of WP Links is to standardize the format of external links and create consistent on-page SEO. Open external links in a new tab or new window.

2. MDC Target Blank
MDC Target Blank forces links in posts or pages to be opened in a new tab. You don’t have to write target=”_blank” manually!

3. External Permalinks Redux
Allows users to point WordPress objects (posts, pages, custom post types) to a URL of their choosing, which is particularly useful for injecting non-WordPress content into loops. The object appears normally in any loop output, but visitors to the object will be redirected to the specified URL.

4. Page Links To
This plugin allows you to make a WordPress page or post link to a URL of your choosing, instead of its WordPress page or post URL. It also will redirect people who go to the old (or “normal”) URL to the new one you’ve chosen. This functionality is useful for setting up navigational links to non-WordPress sections of your site or to off-site resources.

5. Nofollow for External Link
Just simple, if you use this plugins, rel=nofollow and target=_blank will be insert automatically, for all the external links of your website posts or pages. This plugins will not add rel=nofollow and target=_blank any of the internal link of your blog/website posts/pages. If you already added rel=dofollow to any post manually, this plugins will not add rel=nofollow for that post.

6. WPF Force External Nofollow
Simple, if you use this plugin, rel=”nofollow” will be inserted automatically for all the external links on your wordpress posts or pages. Adds rel=”nofollow” to all external links in your wordpress posts/pages. Will not add rel=”nofollow” to any of the internal links of your wordpress posts/pages. Will remove existing dofollow from rel=”” if it exists within the link.

7. Auto NoFollow Links
Auto NoFollow Links adds nofollow attribute to all external links in your blog posts automatically. save you a tremendous amount of time. Add rel=”nofollow” to all external links, SEO friendly. Add target=”_blank”, Open external links in new window or tab.

8. SEO Nofollow External
This plugin will add rel=”nofollow” and target=”_blank” to all external links automatically. Automatically Add rel=nofollow for all the external links of your blog/websit. SEO Nofollow External will not add rel=nofollow and target=_blank any of the internal link of your blog/website. Automatically Add target=_blank for all the external link of your blog/website.

9. Link Icons
Link Icons adds a icon next you your different types of links in your posts an pages. Link Icons does not connect to any external sites. Admin interface with option to enable or disable HTTP Header Usage. Sets icons to links to URLs that return Video content type.

10. Better WordPress External Links
This plugin gives you total control over external links on your website. This plugin also comes with a comprehensive domain filtering feature. BWP External Links is based on the popular Prime Links phpBB mod by Ken F. Innes IV (Prime Halo).

11. WP External Links
Open external links in a new window or tab, adding “nofollow”, set link icon, styling, SEO friendly options and more. The plugin will change the output of the (external) links on the fly. So when you deactivate the plugin, all contents will remain the same as it was before installing the plugin