There is a common opinion that email marketing is mostly used by big companies that can afford it. This results in a wrongful opinion that if you are running a small blog it will be quite difficult for you to use this marketing technique. Here are some of the great WordPress email plugins to grow your email subscribers and let you focus on delivering great content. Have a look and use the one that best suites your requirement.
You may be interested in the following posts:
- Contact Form Plugins for WordPress
- WordPress Plugins For Social Media
- WordPress Plugins for eCommerce
- Android Plugins for WordPress
1. MailUp Newsletter Sign-up Form
Easily add a newsletter sign-up form to your Web site or blog, then run email marketing and SMS campaigns with MailUp.

2. SpeakUp! Email Petitions
SpeakUp! Email Petitions allows you to easily create petition forms on your WordPress site.

3. BigContact Contact Page
Create super cool contact pages for your site. Just add a contact form to any page, display business hours, emails and phone numbers as widgets.

4. WP Mail Options
This plugin allows you to set almost all options of emails sent by WordPress. In fact, it just simply modified the value of the PHPMailer’s member variables.

5. Benchmark Email Lite
Benchmark Email Lite lets you build an email list from your WordPress site, and easily send your subscribers email versions of your posts and pages.

6. WP Email Capture
Double opt-in form for building your email list. Define landing pages to distribute your ebooks & software.

7. Email Before Download
Email Before Download presents your users with a form where they submit information, like their name and email address, prior to receiving a download.

8. Fast Secure Contact Form
A super customizable contact form that lets your visitors send you email. Blocks all automated spammers. No templates to mess with.

9. Newsletter Sign-Up
Boost your mailing list size with this newsletter plugin! This plugin adds various ways for your visitors to subscribe to your third-party newsletter.

10. BuddyPress Group Email Subscription
This powerful plugin allows people to receive email notifications of group activity, especially forum posts. Weekly or daily digests available.

While compiling this list, it’s always a possibility that I missed some other great resources. Feel free to share it with us.