Online Generators can be a great way to save time in your web design projects. High-quality generators can create graphics or code or even layouts in a matter of seconds or minutes. In such cases online generators can be of great help which do the necessary job and some tools don’t have to be downloaded also. So in this article, I have postrd some of the best online generators that can save you some time and still give you great results.
1. Typetester
Typetester is used to compare three different type of fonts on screen making your designing job easier , Just specify the specifications and compare them.

2. Color Scheme Designer
Color Scheme Designer 3 has a really fantastic user interface that’s both attractive and easy to use. Just select a color, the type of color scheme you want to create and then make adjustments.

3. Free Online Barcode Generator
Barcode label printer is an online barcode generator where a CGI form is used to enter a text and generate a printable and scannable barcode in Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 39, Code 128 A, B, or C symbologies.

4. 256 Pixels
256 Pixels creates favicon designs where you can upload a picture or color the pixels by choosing any color and save it or create a favicon for any new challenges posed by the website.

5. Kuler
Kuler is one of the best color scheme tools available, with multiple options for both creating and finding color schemes.

6. Color Combos
Find the perfect combination of colors for your project through Combo Tester which allows web developers to see how different color combinations work together on the screen and Combo Library contains hundreds of color swatches with their hex values.

7. AJAX Info
Create your own AJAX loader icon by selecting the type of indicator, background and foreground color and clicking in ‘Generate It’.

8. YAML Builder
Here’s a visual tool for creating a YAML (Yet Another Multicolumn Layout) design. It’s super easy to use and offers a lot of customization options.

9. Corner Shop
Corner Shop is used for create rounded corner graphics for website designing.

10. AJAX Loading GIF Generator
AJAX Loading GIF generator create your AJAX loading GIF image by defining the indicator type, background color, foreground color and controlling the speed of the loading indicator.

11. WordPress Theme Generator
This online generator creates your own custom unique WordPress Theme. Without any need for HTML, JS, PHP, or CSS knowledge.

12. CSS Button & Text Field Generator
Generate a button or text field by CSS Button and Text field generator by filling the fields for CSS object like object type and class name and CSS object style where the border and text settings are defined.

13. Background Maker
A unique background maker where you choose the colors from the pixelised tile which depicts the tiled background.

14. Templatr
Templatr is another simple generator for creating quick WordPress layouts. It lets you edit virtually every element in the design, all using a visual editor.

15. CSS Layout Generator
CSS Layout Generator creates a fluid or fixed width floated column layout, with up to 3 columns with header and footer where the values can be in pixels, ems or percentage.

16. pForm
pForm is a free HTML form builder. Just choose from their pre-designed templates and then customize your form.

17. ColoRotate
ColoRotate lets you view and create color schemes in 3D. Being able to manipulate the color palette tool in 3 dimensions.

18. CSS Tab Designer
CSS Tab Designer is a unique and easy to use software to help you design css-based lists and tabs visually and without any programming knowledge required!

19. Font-Face Kit Generator
This @font-face kit generator from Font Squirrel lets you create full kits for any font you can legally use with @font-face.

20. Stripemania
Stripemania is a striped background image generator. Pick the strip width and spacing, the orientation, and the colors, and it generates a repeating stripe pattern.

Hope you will have liked these useful online generators. If you know of other generators that would be useful, please share them in the comments!