You want your business to be instantly recognisable to customers, so that they can correctly associate the excellent service and products they receive with your brand. One essential aspect you need to consider, in order to make this happen, is the design of your brand logo. Everyone recognises global brands by their logo, such as the Golden Arches of McDonald’s and the swoosh of Nike. You may never receive worldwide recognition, but you can build a loyal and growing customer base, by creating a logo that helps your brand to stand to be more recognisable.
If you are unsure about creating your brand logo, it pays to seek help from professionals that specialise in Sydney logo design. They can work with you to create a logo that delivers the results you are looking for. Whether you do the design work yourself, or you seek expert help, it’s useful to know what sort of logo is the most effective.
Why natural logos work best initially
Natural logos tend to be simple and uncomplicated. This means that they become easily recognisable to people. If you are starting out as a business in a competitive environment, this recognition can be very useful in the short term. However, there is evidence to suggest that recognition of a natural and simple logo does not always mean that people relate the logo directly to the brand; it’s a little like when you see a really familiar face that you cannot quite place. Creating this type of logo is still an excellent way of instigating recognition though; you then have to work hard with your marketing to get the complete message across.
What about the long term
There is some suggestion that more complex logo designs work well over time. People need a longer period of time to get to know the logo but once it sticks in their mind they are more likely to be able to associate it with the overall brand. This can be beneficial to a business as customers and potential customers can associate all of its products and services with the logo, as soon as they see it. The problem with this is, that there is potential for a business to fade and die before its logo reaches this point of recognition.
You need to make a decision about which type of logo is going to work well for your business. Do you want higher levels of logo recognition which you then need to build on, by informing more in-depth knowledge. Alternatively, do you want to take a potential risk on a complex logo that can lead to more detailed and effective recognition in the long term. Your decision will likely to be based on aspects such as costings, the amount and type of competition and the business sector that you are in. If you have any doubts, it helps to get advice and support from logo design experts.