Working with IT infrastructure, the business environment, and customer requests in designing and implementing network solutions is the main activity of an IBM certified specialist in Systems Networking Technical Support V1. This hardware certification, offered exclusively by IBM, verifies that recipients have general knowledge of networking programs, concepts, and solutions, specific knowledge of hardware features and components, an understanding of servers and networking systems management, and the skills necessary to analyze requirements, design system solution architecture, and install and implement those solutions and settings.
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A job in this field offers continual support to customers after implementation. To be successful in this career path it is important that individuals work directly with customer and business requirements pertaining to the networking environment. Because the requirements will usually be different, an ability to think quickly and effectively is also needed. Although anyone can take the single required exam and pass to earn certification, it is suggested that all participants come in with at least 8 months of IBM System Networking experience and experience working with basic and complex IT infrastructure environments.
The 000-670 exam is the only requirement to earn this networking certification, and passing can be easily done with IBM-provided resources, or alternative options, which uses sample questions and complete practice exams to teach the material and provide adequate review. This is the only certification available in this product, but that doesn’t discount its importance. Networking is a popular field, and being skilled in the Systems Networking hardware is a major benefit for your resume and, ultimately, your career.