Did you know that only one in every 500 people who look at a research paper’s title go ahead to read the entire text? According to Cactus Communications, these low readership numbers are a partial effect of the study’s title. Best titles capture the reader’s attention and condense the content in the paper. Consider if your title introduces the reader to your work in a concise manner. This guide details the qualities of excellent titles for research papers and why a good title is significant. It also provides tips on how you may choose useful titles for your research or term paper.
Why your paper needs a good title
Titles are the first thing that an editor, a reviewer or an instructor reads. Hence, they should make an excellent first impression. If you intend to get your works published, one of your focus areas should be on choosing title. It should help the reader determine if an article is relevant to them. Good titles describe the content of a paper and help one in making decisions about reading the whole script. Second, good titles differentiate one academic work form the other. When one searches for your paper in a database, your enticing title should encourage them to select yours. In simple terms, good titles should encourage readership, appreciation, and citation.
Make it Exciting
Writers who generate exciting titles always have the reader in mind. They recognize that what they find appealing may not, in essence, be fascinating to the reader. When creating your research paper title, consider what may appeal to the individuals reading your work. Should you emphasize the content, humor or both? If completing a school project, revisiting the outline or assignment requirements is an excellent idea. If conversant with the style that your instructor uses, try to match it. If writing an article, try adding descriptive words, puns, or irony to your title. This approach helps paint the picture for your reader and grab their attention.
Keep it Short
Tomorrow’s Research note that long titles can be distracting, ambiguous, and unexciting. In contrast, short titles are clear, precise and open to many interpretations. The key is to include only the words that your title needs. Ensure that you cover the central theme of the paper and summarize the content. Second, focus on the “keywords” by omitting words that do not add value to the title. Most students make the mistake of including redundant words in their titles. Words such as “a study of” or “an investigation of” do not add much meaning. If you still can’t get your title between 10-20 words, consults experts at CustomEssayOrder.com for help. The experienced writers from this service cannot only help with your title but also the rest of your research.
Plan your Subtitles
Like the body of your paper, the title can also have a structure. Common title structures include a “general topic + a subtopic” or a “topic + method.” Examples include
- General + Subtopic: Information literacy: Evaluating Library of Congress Search Tools.
- Topic + Method: Evaluation of the Library of Congress Information Literacy Program and Search Tools: A mixed-method study
Wordvice.com notes that for a student in the field of social science, compound constructions are permissible. Note that the subtitle’s purpose is to help the writer to draw the reader in. By reading the subtitle one should be able to know what they should expect. In the first example above, information literacy is a broad topic. Thus, the subtitle tells the reader that the paper will focus on the evaluation of search tools. In the second example, a reader interested in qualitative or quantitative data can read the article because it uses mixed methods.
Practice in writing
Practice will help you identify common errors when formulating titles. Nonnative English speakers often make errors when using linking words, prepositions, and conjunctions. Identifying these mistakes improves how you generate topic ideas and express your titles. But, if your research paper is almost due, then you have no time to practice.

In such circumstances, seek help from professional writers. Services such as https://resumethatworks.com/cover-letter-writing-service have professional writers for both titles and resumes. This service can help you meet deadlines, get that job interview or get your article published at affordable rates.
Use Numbers
Numbers are useful in titles under various circumstances.
- When revealing the study period to your reader.
- When disclosing the number of participants in your research. Only include numbers when the sample size is large.
- Other studies include numbers to denote what their study aims – for example, utilizing dictation tools in Microsoft Office to increase typing speeds up to 200WPM.
Although using numbers in titles is an excellent idea, ensure they are not large figures. Next time you think of how to title a research paper, begin by looking at the various elements of your study. For example, how many participants am I targeting? What am I trying to achieve? Am I trying to reduce death rates? Is so, by what percentage? Am I trying to improve readership? If yes, by what percentage? These questions give you an idea of how to use numbers in titles.
Search for interesting titles
Exploring and finding the best titles from other sources may improve your title formulation skills. But, doing title research for an academic paper, it is best to search in a library database.

The reason is that academic and non-academic titles differ in various capacities. For example, using pun, irony, and humor is acceptable for articles but not conventional for scholarly works. Thus, the source of your titles also matters. Always check other articles for relevance, credibility, and authority before using them.
Write your work and title in advance
Following your work plan is essential to meeting deadlines. Since your title commands the content, methods, and design of your research paper, write it in advance. Waiting till the last minute may cause the formulation of a poor title, thus poor content and bad grades. But, in the new age, most college students are working. Therefore, balancing life, family, school, and work is overwhelming. It is okay to ask for help. You can get a professional help from the cheapest essay writing service by visiting their excellent site. Let experienced writers take the worry of deadlines off your hands. Let them generate the best titles for you and boost your grades.
Focus on your topic
Your research title must tackle an issue in the topic you select. A researcher can wander away from the main subject or theme. This is common when revising different versions of the paper. There are two strategies you can use to maintain your focus. First, is by using the “General + Subtopic” structure highlighted earlier. Second, make a note of a few ideas, key phrases, or sentences that define your topic before you begin. As you continue writing, refine these ideas. By the time you complete your research paper, you will have a compelling title. It will have three to four key terms that guide readers about the content and angle of your essay.
To sum up, selecting a working title can be challenging for any researcher. You must pay attention to all the factors highlighted in this guide when finalizing your title. Remember, your title must make an excellent first impression on the readers. Let the reader know what your article is about by looking at your title. Above all, do not plan your title in a hurry. Ask for help from experts in the best essay writing service. When you have the final title, seek the opinion of friends or colleagues. Value their suggestions. They can help refine the title or provide a different perspective.