Many professors engage students to develop their own blog to refine writing skills. One of the best ways to do it is WordPress. This is one of the simplest content management platforms. You need up to 60 minutes to explore admin area, add your content, and upload pictures.
First of all, choose a domain name that will be easy to remember and understand. A domain name is worth nearly $14.99/year, and web hosting price is $7.99/month. Then, use free blogging website with an ability to create your own website.
You may choose the hosting plan on your own: basic, plus and prime. Keep in mind that you can create a platform that will be viewed by only logged in users. The special plugin will help you to achieve this goal.
What is Next?
So, now you have your own blog, and it’s important to make a habit to write permanently. Some people prefer to write every day, other writers pick special days, for example, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to describe their experience in a blog. The primary goal is to develop your strategy how you will write, what and for whom.
Bear in mind your potential audience to deliver exciting and useful content. If you just want to boost your writing skills and don’t look for the popularity, use your readers for this purpose. Ask them to give your honest and constructive feedback, and try each time to write better.
What About the Pictures
Everything depends on your goals. If you want to pay attention only to the writing – pick random nice pictures from the stocks for your articles. When you want to improve your writing and win your audience at the same time, spend more time to use many images in the article. They help to understand the content better and engage readers, launch their attention.
By the way, you can create a WordPress theme if you have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. These themes are files that work together to develop the navigation and design of your WordPress blog. Every item can be various, bringing many options for change a look of the blog.
Writing Help from the Experts
If you feel that blog writing isn’t enough and you need an external push to start growing fast, offers professional help for you. It’s easy to get great support and learn from essay samples. You can identify how successful writers build the sentences, share their thoughts, argument the statements. This useful knowledge will help you while earning bachelor’s, master’s or even a Ph.d. degrees.